Saturday, September 10, 2011

The "Plate" Replaces the "Food Pyramid" for Healthy Children

"MyPlate" Replaces the Food Pyramid

MyPlate - Photo courtesy of the USDA
Some people blamed the original food pyramid for the current epidemic of adult and childhood obesity and were looking forward to a revision of the food pyramid by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Many were disappointed to find that not much had changed in the actual dietary guidelines that make up the pyramid or in the revised food pyramid in 2007. Instead, most of the changes were in how the guidelines were presented, supposedly making them more easily understandable so that people could actually follow them and learn to make healthier choices.
Although the food pyramid has always seemed simple, many people misunderstood the original ranges in servings for each food group or didn't even know what a serving was supposed to be, which led to a lot of oversized portions and overeating. And unfortunately, the revised customized pyramid plans never really caught on.


Whatever its shortcomings, the food pyramid has been retired.
In its place - MyPlate, a simple place setting to help everyone visualize eating a healthy meal with the five food groups (fruit, vegetable, grains, protein and dairy food groups).
"This is a quick, simple reminder for all of us to be more mindful of the foods that we're eating and as a mom, I can already tell how much this is going to help parents across the country," said First Lady Michelle Obama. "When mom or dad comes home from a long day of work, we're already asked to be a chef, a referee, a cleaning crew. So it's tough to be a nutritionist, too. But we do have time to take a look at our kids' plates. As long as they're half full of fruits and vegetables, and paired with lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy, we're golden. That's how easy it is."
The key MyPlate messages are that to eat healthier, everyone should build a healthy plate by:
  • avoiding oversized portions
  • making half of their plate fruits and vegetables, including a variety of colors and eating fruits, vegetables, or unsalted nuts as snacks
  • switching to fat-free or low-fat milk (or try calcium-fortified soy drinks as a dairy alternative)
  • eating grains, but making sure that at least half of your grains are whole grains
  • varying your choices of proteins, such as by eating seafood twice a week, eating beans, and eating small portions of lean meat and poultry
You can still create a daily food plan too, but a quick glance at your plate will help you know if you are on track. A plate that is full of chicken nuggets, pizza, or pasta at each meal isn't going to help you eat a healthy diet with all of the food groups.
That's important, because dietary guidelines haven't changed.
Using the MyPlate site will reinforce other healthy eating lessons, such as:
  • enjoying your food, but eating less.
  • eating fruit for dessert
  • making half of your grains whole grains
  • eating a variety of protein foods
  • cutting back on sweet treats
  • avoid extra salt and sodium by comparing nutrition labels
  • drinking water instead of sugary drinks
The MyPlate site also includes sample menus, food group based recipes, and ideas for kid-friendly veggies and fruits.

Kindly visit SeekingSitters Orlando to view the qualifications that need to be met in order to become a Certified Professional on my team.  Many of the sitters health care providers, teachers, CNAs and qualified professions that know the importance of a healthy diet :O)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why I Feel so Passionate About SeekingSitters - Why I Bought the Franchise in Orlando

Although born in Long Island, NY, I consider myself a native Floridian.At a very young age, my parents divorced. My brother, Brett, and I were boldly raised by my mother in Altamonte Springs, Florida. For over 20 years, she was a single parent with little support. I cannot imagine what she must have gone through. She did everything she could to make sure we were well taken care of. She worked two jobs and had to rely on babysitters to take care of my brother and I during school closings/breaks. Sadly, most of the babysitters were abusive. She believed us when we had a complaint. She had no one to turn to for childcare and had to miss work which meant less money. I can remember her struggle. She has truly been an inspiration. (Ma' if you're reading this, stop crying! Stop! :-)
Although I attended college for my degree in Elementary Education, I was working for an architectural firm when I met the man of my dreams, Carlos Sobrin. We got married in 2003 and had our first child, Gabby, in March of 2004. Oliver, our second, was born in June of 2008.
After the birth of my daughter, I decided to quit working for a while so I could raise her myself. She was almost two when I decided to return to work; just not in the Construction Management field. I enrolled Gabby at the Jewish Community Center in Maitland, FL, in exchange, I taught at the Early Childhood Learning Center. It was perfect. Not only could I watch my daughter "learn with play" I was given the fortune to start in a room with infants (8 infants as young as 6 weeks). The following year, the program allowed me to continue with the same children to the Jr.Toddler room. Finding it difficult to leave, I stayed until 3 days before the birth of my son. I was very excited about Oliver's arrival. I just found it difficult to leave. Clearly, I was very attached to the children that grew along with me.
I took a leave of absence after having Oliver. Gabby was 4 and still attending the JCC while I was a stay at home mom for almost 18 months. As I did with Gabby, I enrolled Oli at the JCC under the assumption I would be able to begin teaching again. The economy had taken a turn for the worse, enrollment was way down so they were on a hiring hold.
Both children were gone all day yet I was considered a “SAHM” (stay at home mom). I strongly disliked the loneliness and wanted to contribute financially. I had no idea what, but I was going to do something on my own. A flexible schedule was necessary as my daughter needed to be picked up by 3:00 and my son by 5:00. It was very important that I be available for them should they get ill, school closings, etc… My husband and I were trying to come up with ideas. Fast forward about a month...
My brother called me from Albany. He became a member of SeekingSitters in his location and LOVED not only the service, but the concept as a whole. He went on line and looked at the "SeekingSitters' Locations" map. Although they had franchises all over the US, Central Florida was not on the map :o)
I remember Brett's exact words as he spoke firmly; "This service has YOUR name written all over it and the only reason they don't have one in Orlando is because Melissa Sobrin is supposed to own it !!". Long story-short (sort of), I bought into the franchise as soon as I could and within 2 months, I was in Tulsa, OK attending their annual convention. My family arrived 4 days later to join me for headshots, videos, and amazing training. All the while, my children had the best sitters I've ever seen in my life!!! As a parent, as a teacher and as a new business owner, l had all the confidence in the world.
In the blink of an eye, I blossomed from a laundry folding house wife to an entrepreneur - "Mompreneur". The pride I feel is indescribable. Now I'm out; conducting countless interviews, network meetings, brochure drops, PTA functions, local community events, etc.… I meet so many wonderful parents, women, sitters, Mompreneurs… I've only just begun and I have already learned so much. Not to mention, I'm finally able to contribute to our household income while still being able to take care of my home and family. Some days I work so many hours I almost forget to pick up my children (or that they're still in the car) JUST KIDDING. Other days, I simply rely on my Smart Phone so I can work at anytime-any place. Most importantly, I am available for my family. I love the flexibility of owning my own business and the premium service that I provide. I love, love, love talking to anyone who will listen. I want families to know that they have somewhere they can turn to when they need help with their childcare needs. I need to make sure that people understand SeekingSitters is unlike any other babysitter referral service. I work very hard to find the best Contract Professional Sitters™ and if they've made it onto my sitter team, it's because I would feel safe and secure having them in my house, watching my children. I know this because of the strenuous process SeekingSitters goes through to ensure the safety of our children and the safety of our sitters as well.
I deeply care for my sitter team as I believe they do for me and my family. I get excited at the beginning of each month. I have the pleasure to name the "Sitter of the Month" as I get the chance to show my appreciation, showering them with gifts for making our service so amazing. The pride I feel about owning a SeekingSitters Franchise is priceless. The support I have received from the Corporate Office and countless professionals, plus the knowledge I have gained and the friendships I have made; I am truly fulfilled!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Vacation Travel Tips - With Infants and Toddlers

Summer-Time = Vacation Time...   Tips for Traveling with Your Young Children

It’s  summer time. For infants, vacations are just around the corner. You may be wondering if it’s okay for your infant to travel with you. The simple fact is, these days babies travel from the very beginning. It’s probably a good idea to start bringing the baby out in a crowd after the first 6-8 weeks of life. I personally carried my newborn in a babypurse (what I called it) after the second week (I had to pick up my daughter from her school in Maitland).  Up until the age of 8 weeks, pediatricians worry about fevers, even as low as 100.3F. Any infection can spread very quickly. During this time, too, your baby will receive the first set of vaccines.

Traveling by car:

Traveling by motor vehicle is probably the easiest to negotiate with a toddler or new baby. You control your trip and also what you decide you need to take along, without restrictions. Stop often to feed and change the children. Make sure that the car is not overheated. Always check that the seat belts in the car seats are comfortable.  Play music, sing and talk a lot :o)  Take along a travel dvd player, dvds and some books for the toddlers.

Traveling by plane:

Many babies travel on planes these days. Notify the airline before your trip that you’ll be traveling with young children. Some of the airlines may offer special accommodations. Call the airline ahead of time and find out if you may be seated in the bulkhead area as there is more space provided.  We traveled to Madrid with our 10 month old and she was able to sleep comfortably on a blanket on the floor (as bad as that sounds, she slept 9 hours).

In most cases, you can take liquid formula, however, they test the liquid when you go through security...while you're taking off your shoes and removing your infant from the stroller.  I believe a baby sling would be more suitable.  If for some reason, bringing liquid formula is not allowed, bring formula in powder form and buy bottled water after you’ve passed security. It may not be possible to bring expressed breast milk in bottles. In this case, the baby can either drink formula that you prepare or you’ll breastfeed on the plane. It’s not advisable to keep the baby in your lap. Some airlines will allow a car seat. Your carry on luggage should include everything your children will need for that period of time.  However, pack extra EVERYTHING, just in case a problem arises; delayed or even cancelled flights can be a nightmare otherwise.  
When the plane takes off and lands, there’ll be a change in the pressure. Breast feed or give the baby a bottle of formula to ease the ear discomfort.  Toddlers find lollipops helpful.  Try to find some that are a bit sour so they swallow often.

***Find out if you need a separate passport for the baby or toddler well before you travel so there are no surprises when you arrive at the airport for your trip. Before you travel, please remember to check a few items:

• Clothing: Always bring many changes of clothing and dress the children in layers. It could easily be hot outside while the air conditioning is blasting inside.
 • Diapers: Make sure you have enough diapers, wet cloths, a changing mat, and diaper rash cream.  Be prepared to have to change a diaper or two while in your seat.  It takes practice, but it can be done with ease and disgression.
 • Bring formula (powder) and buy bottled water after the security check.
 • A small cooler (they look similar to lunch bags)
 • Baby food, finger foods and snacks
 • Sunscreen lotion: For children over age 3 months.
 • Medication for fever reduction: You should have this with you just in case.
 • Antihistamines: This is to be used in case of an allergy.
 • Any medication or device that the baby may use on a regular basis must be carried.
 • Toys, books, small dvd player and movies: Hopefully, these will help to keep the older children busy.
 • A baby carrier
 • A portable stroller, car seat, and portable crib should be checked.

At the hotel:
You need not travel with a travel crib.  The hotel should have one that meets FDA standards for safety. However, always call beforehand to be sure.  If they do provide a crib, they should also provide fitted sheets (but bring one from home just in case). Ask for a room with a refrigerator or a room that can accommodate one to store milk or formula. Ask the hotel to supply you with a local pediatrician’s name and contact information, in case of emergency. Watch your baby in the hotel room as you would at home. For toddlers, make sure the room is baby-proofed as much as possible.  Bring along a few outlet covers if you have enough room after packing 1000 items :o)

Have a safe trip. Stay healthy and have fun.  And remember, should you want a babysitter in while on vacation-whether you're traveling to Orlando or nationwide, call SeekingSitters 888-41-SITTERS (888-417-4883).

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's almost 2 a.m.???

It's almost 2:00 a.m.   

What am I still doing UP? 

After dropping off the kids, last time I looked and it was 4:10 pm and I had one hour to straighten the house, hide the unfolded laundry, clean the counters, try to close all drawers (even w/clothing sticking out), mix a bev filled with mostly water and a lil' bit of juice for Oli, start dinner, fill sink with water to look like I was "soaking dishes" (oh.... I'm good), and pack some "awesome-OMG" type snack for Gabby, I brushed my teeth with Oliver's "Got to be Glued" hair gel this morning.  eh hem.... had to re-brush teeth (which had a mohawk since 8:00a.m).           Need I say more? 

I think I need a little "Me Time" or another Date Night Out with Carlos.  I'm feeling lost yet I have the best resources I could ever wish for.  Girls that will babysit for me at the drop of a hat, a semi-clean house (so I won't have to pre-clean before the babysitter arrives), money in the bank for a nice dinner out where I can actually wear a dress...dress.... ) cool amongst the youngins'.........     don't mind being "Elane".   (Seinfeld reference)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Birthday Gift

This was gift from my very dear friend.
The beginning!

The completed!

Thank you so much Lisa you are awesome!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Last week I volunteered to chaperon Gabby's class (Princeton Elementary) to Sea World and I genuinely had a great time.  This is one of the greatest benefits of owning your own company,    (shameless plug)
I carried my cell phone with me just in case someone needed a sitter or someone called in sick (not that I could sub, but I could find someone to fill in if needed), but it was time well spent. My daughter was so excited to have me riding on the bus, walking to the gate, showing me off to her friends.  She made me feel like I was her superstar. 

At the very start (9:15), I was (and I'm not kidding) SURROUNDED in the back of the bus by at least 20 children.  There was room for 9. "Hey, everybody, my mom's here!!!!"   I never knew she felt that way about me.   So as time goes by, I realized I had turned into Roger Dangerfield... loosening my shirt at the neck line, bla bla bla....  "Mom, do the thing where you tuck your lip so it looks like you have no lip!!!"   What????   I can't do that on command!  It's strictly for shock value. I almost felt pressured as if I was going up on stage.  Plus... there were other, more mature parents around.  (alright, I did it anyway).  I ROCK! 
The point is, there are multiple benefits to volunteering at your children’s school, but here are some to get you thinking about it for next year:
1. It shows your kids and their teachers that you care about being involved.
2. It gives you insight into the the environment your kids are in every day.
3. You get face time with people that make important decisions about your child's education. ( Should your child be in the gifted program? Should your child work with a tutor to develop a particular skill?)
4. Allows you to network with other parents, which is a great way of learning about problems in the school, resources you might not know about (carpooling, among other things).
5. It gives you the opportunity to personally thank your child's teachers and other school personnel for their hard work.  Plus, it takes the pressure off of them a bit.  Could you imagine if no one volunteered and 5 teachers had to escort 100 children around a theme park?  I would simply lie in the fetal position; anywhere...shaded.
6. If you approach the experience with patience and a sense of humor, you will have a blast. (Liptuck)
7. If you're lucky, you might get to pet a Stingray or two (or forty). That was MY favorite part.  They're so soft and smooth and sweet...  I want one!  "Daddy, I want an Umpa... " I mean, "Daddy, I want a Stingray, NOW!"    (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Reference).
8. It allows you to see the true dynamics between your child and the others that she/he talks to you about on the car ride home.
9. If one of the children in her class is mean to him/her, you can make them fall in love with you...thus, fall in love with your child.  (or, when no one is looking, you can....   jk)       Get it?!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What a day! Sweew!

I just spent 8 hours with my daughter at the Lake Eola Children's Festival.  We coupled with Little Green Money Machine.  Gabby had her own "lemonade stand" (only it was all decked out with SeekingSitters banners). 

She sold all sorts of toys and games, catchable bubbles, crafts.... you name it, all for the ASPCA :o)  Not only that, but we handed out free helium filled SeekingSitters balloons and gave out cards with organic lollipops attached (shows we care about what their children consume). 

We're finally being recognized as a premier babysitting service that provides child care for Maitland, Altamonte Springs, Longwood, Lake Mary, Heathrow, Oviedo, Winter Park, Winter Springs....  The interest we we received went beyond my expectations!  My elevator speech is no longer such...  As I believe so much in this wonderful concept and my Professional Sitter Team. 

I am amazed at how many parents told me that they have been looking for certified sitters and had no one to turn to.  I feel good... Na na na na na na na.... I knew that I would....  :O)  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Moments like these...

I've been stuggling a bit with my new business... Good months - bad months.  I have to say, however, for someone who knows very little about SEO, I'm doing quite well compared to my competition (pay per click) :o)  I pay no one to write blogs about my child care providers and how wonderful each and every one of them are.  
As a mother of two young children, I grew tired of using Papa & Nana to watch them for an OCCASIONAL date night with my hubby or a "Girl's Night Out".  Arriving home to a messy house and m&m filled tummies at 1:00 a.m. was not worth the date night.  Now, I utilize as many babysitters on my team as possible.  --->I pulled them in looking through a parent's eye...not a business owner.  Would I want this young lady (or man) to come to my house to care for my children?  Absobestolutely!  My Professional Sitters are cpr and first aid certifed, EXTREMEMLY background checked, have years of experience, come to my house with age appropriate toys/crafts for my children, and leave my home in the condition of, or better than, when I left. 
I no longer worry about who is taking care of my children.  I know more about them than their parents do, I'M SURE (we dig deep during the reference check and background screening).  I know who they're dating (we screen them as well), I know what pictures they post, I know how they drive, their credit (if they're babysitting just for money instead of enjoying their "down time" with children), best of all, I know them personally. I read their initial, on-line application,  I call within a day and if they pass the phone screening, I personally interviewed each one.  After I check all references provided, I send all the information I've gathered to the private investigator, who then, after 2 or 3 days, can tell me, in great detail, what he/she has found out about the prospective professional sitter, their parents, boyfriend, court records, sex offender registries... you name it. 

In saying that... Out of over 150 interviews, I have 27 professional sitters on my team in Orlando (serving all of Central Florida, Windermere, Celebration, etc).  I have 3 more pending background checks, but I have no doubt that they will pass.  I have a pretty good eye when it comes down to the interview process.  Most times, I can tell, over our 1st telephone conversation, that they're not the perfect fit for my SeekingSitters team.  If they happen to pass thru the phone interview and make it to the "face to face" and I get a bad feeling, I won't even call the references.  I shred their information because if I wouldn't want this person taking care of my children, then why would I send them to one of my Member's home to babysit for them?

So... it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm babysitting for a member who is visiting from Atlanta (our membership is valid nationwide).  I would normally send a sitter, but this was a true last minute request and I had no time to look at schedules and calendars.  Plus, my husband is wonderful and supportive about me leaving him with the kiddos to babysit for a member who requested ME!!!  I'm flattered!!!  Tired, but flattered and so happy to be a part of such a great service!  SeekingSitters Rocks!!!!  :o)